Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Camera's Rolling

 Sorry that it has been a few days since my last post but internet is hard to find here in sumbawanga Tanzania. I have yet to upload any pictures to my blog because I still have yet to find a wireless connection that allows me to upload from my iphone, but there are many on my facebook wall and as soon as i get a wireless connection I will post them. I am currently sitting in a "internet Room" here in Sumbawanga with my assigned translator and new friend Joseph, he is the one that is making it possible for me to communicate with the orphans, the locals, and the Sister's. Joseph lives in Mumba and works at the Caraways house.
         I have lots of footage and the filming is going a lot faster than I expected. I have a few more interviews to conduct including two with german volunteers who have been living near the orphanage. The people of Sumbawanga are accustomed to seeing light skinned people roaming the streets due to the towns takeover by a Danish road crew who is paving the main street, finally. Driving on the roads here are equivalent to riding a washer machine.....down a staircase. Never thought I'd see a Hipo as road kill, but in Africa anything is possible, (take that worth a grain of salt). Joseph and Danny (neighbors) took me to a market yesterday, this market happens once a month on the 4th of each month. My presence there was welcomed but it was kind of like the people of west Michigan seeing a skateboarding elephant going down the highway. I have many pictures of these puzzled faces. It is time for us to load up the washer machine and head back up the staicase to Mumba, Now that I have found this little internet room (in which all the letters have warn off the keys) I will be updating you Thursday most likely. Keep us in your thoughts and I will update you soon.

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