Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sending it to Sumbawanga

It's our last night in Dar Es Salaam, tomorrow we get up early for a 12 hour drive to Mbya where we will stay two nights. as I type this post I am currently being surrounded by 3 gecko's. the are eating all the malaria carrying fly's for me, hats off to them.  My first day at the orphange will probably be tuesday becasue monday, the 4th, is luka's half birthday and we are going to have a little celebration.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Landed in London

Mike and I have landed in london and are severly jet lagged from getting on a plane at 6p.m in the U.S and getting off 7 yours later and it being 7a.m in london. We have a 10 hour lay over at Hiathro and then catching a 10 hour flight to Dar Es Salaam. We should be there early wednesday morning. 7 hours ahead in Tanzania from the U.S. I'll update you all soon

Monday, June 27, 2011

To Tanzania

Today, June 27, I am meeting with Mike Caraway at Gerald R Ford Airport in Grand Rapids Mi to begin our long journey to Sumbawanga Tanzania. Our flight path is Grand Rapids to chicago to london(12 hour lay over) to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania where we hope to meet up with Lynn(Mikes wife) and Luka (age 5 St. Martins Orphan whom they are in the process of adopting). Mike has some work to take care of in Dar so we plan to to stay there for a day or 2 and then make the two day car trip to Sumbawanga. Wish us luck and I'll update you all as soon as possible. -Patrick Werksma